

Since 1991 the scientific and production company “Mechanotron” products weight-batching equipment for weighing and packing of the products:
-bulk stock (sugar, grains, cereals, seeds, salt, compound animal feeding stuff, granular materials and so on).
-liquid products (oil, molasses and so on).

Weight-batching equipment of our production is mounted on more than 500 enterprises of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Romania, Turkey,Uzbekistan and Ukraine.


  • Binding of the batchers and scales to the production line.
  • Start-up and setting up works.
  • Warranty for all the weight-batching equipment up to 24 months.
  • Out-of-warranty service for no less than 10 years.
  • Customer’s personnel education.
  • Technical assistance for customers.
